Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Culture of American Indians Essay

In Against the Grain, environmental journalist Richard Manning (2004) argues that notions of class and property are a direct result of the emergence of agricultural civilizations beginning 10,000 years ago. This is because of the social necessities demanded by distribution and storage of surplus. Conversely, he points out the contrastingly egalitarian nature of the hunter-gatherer lifestyles and the deeper social ties which result from cooperative food acquisition. Consider for example, the Plains Indians of North America prior to the arrival of European settlers, who would utilize their knowledge of buffalo movement patterns to haze and herd them, towards a cliff. By diverting the stampede of a large number of animals to their sudden vertical death, they would obtain a caloric pay-off through minimal effort, but â€Å"required social organization and sharing, both of the labor and of the proceeds.† (Manning, 2004; South Dakota State Historical Society Education Kit, 2008) Yet despite this element of uncertainty in hunting and gathering, Richard Steckel notes that towards the end of the 19th century, the Plains Indians were among the tallest people in the world and argues despite the numerous technological and agricultural advances they did not have, they were surprisingly well-nourished compared to whites, indicating that agriculture should not be taken for granted as the sign of social advancement it is purported be, Manning notes that, in the absence of storage means and preservation technologies, it was impossible for the Plains Indians to hoard bison meat. Therefore wealth accumulation was impossible. As such, â€Å"communal feasting became the payoff for social organization,† argues Manning Agriculture on the hand, created social stratification in the form of governance, hierarchy and other institutions necessary for the management of food surplus. Although there is certain room for question to be made about the true egalitarianism of the hunter gatherer cultures of the Plains Indians, they certainly lacked some of the rigidly defined political structures which characterized those belonging to the cultures of Europeans at the point of first contact. Comanche leadership was rather informal, usually identifiable by consensus rather than by any formal nomination to the position and the longevity of a war chiefs authority lasted only as long as they were at war. (Bial, 2000) The Blackfoot people maintained a flexible social structure, a band, which was in constant flux. As such, social relationships were not determined solely by kinship but by residence. In modern times, the case for the difference between hunter-gatherer Native Americans such as the Plains Indians of pre-modern times and the agricultural Native Americans can be observed in the difference between the Inuit peoples, who live a predominantly hunter-gatherer lifestyle out in the Arctic regions (Snow, 1996) and the peoples of the Cherokee and Lakota. The Inuit are noted for their strong sense of community and flexible division of labor among gender lines. The Cherokee and the Lakota, however, have now long been agricultural societies characterized by their class and gender divisions, as well as their contentious disposition towards identity and blood quantum laws. REFERENCES Bial, R. (2000) Lifeways: The Comanche. New York: Benchmark Books. Manning, R. (2004) Against the Grain: How Agriculture Has Hijacked Civilization. New York: North Point Press. â€Å"Buffalo and the Plains Indians.† (2008, April 4) South Dakota State Historical Society Education Kit. Retrieved July 3, 2008 from: Snow, D. R.. (1996) â€Å"The first Americans and the differentiation of hunter-gatherer cultures.† North America. Eds. Bruce G. Trigger and Wilcomb E. Washburn. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Industrial Revolution and Romanticism

The Industrial Revolution and the Romantic Spirit The Industrial Revolution refers to a series of significant shifts in traditional practices of agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation, as well as the development of new mechanical technologies that took place between the late 18th and 19th centuries in much of the Western world. During this time, the United Kingdom, as well as the rest of Europe and the United States soon after, underwent drastic socio-economic and cultural changes during this time.These changes in part gave rise to the English Romantic spirit, especially in the United Kingdom. During the late 18th century, the United Kingdom's economic system of manual and animal based labor shifted toward a system of machine manufacturing while more readily navigable roads, canals, and railroads for trade began to develop. Steam power underpinned the dramatic increase in production capacity, as did the rather sudden development of metal tools and complex machines for manufac turing purposes.The Industrial Revolution had a profound effect upon society in the United Kingdom. It gave rise to the working and middle classes and allowed them to overcome the long-standing economic oppression that they had endured for centuries beneath the gentry and nobility. However, while employment opportunities increased for common working people throughout the country and members of the middle class were able to become business owners more easily, the conditions workers often labored under were brutal.Further, many of them were barely able to live off of the wages they earned. During this time, the industrial factory was created (which, in turn, gave rise to the modern city). Conditions within these factories were often dirty and, by today's standards, unethical: children were frequently used and abused for labor purposes and long hours were required for work. A group of people in the United Kingdom now as the Ululated felt that industrialization was ultimately inhumane a nd took to protesting and sometimes sabotaging industrial machines and factories.While industrialization led to incredible technological developments throughout the Western world, many historians now argue that industrialization also caused severe reductions in living standards for workers both within the United Kingdom and throughout the rest of the industrialized Western world. However, the new middle and working classes that industrialism had established led to arbitration throughout industrial cultures, drastic population increases, and the introduction of relatively new economic system known as capitalism.The Romantic Movement developed in the United Kingdom in the wake of, and in some measure as a response to, the Industrial Revolution. Many English intellectuals and artists in the early 19th century considered industrialism inhumane and unnatural and revolted?sometimes quite violently?against what they felt to be the increasingly inhumane and unnatural mechanization of modern life. Poets such as Lord Byron (particular in his addresses to the House of Lords) and William Blake (most notably in his poem â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†) spoke out?and wrote extensively bout?the psychological and social affects of the Sailor URL: http://www. Layer. Org/ courses/engaged/ The Sailor Foundation Sailor. Org Page 1 of 2 newly industrial world upon the individual and felt rampant industrialization to be entirely counter to the human spirit and intrinsic rights of men. Many English Romantic intellectuals and artists felt that the modern industrial world was harsh and deadening to the senses and spirit and called for a return, both in life and in spirit, to the emotional and natural, as well as the ideals of the pre-industrial past. Sailor URL: http://www. Sailor. Org/courses/engaged/ Page 2 of 2

Monday, July 29, 2019

Small Business and Franchise Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Small Business and Franchise Management - Essay Example Children will be well cared for and they will be given a chance to learn everything a child needs to learn. Terry Tobiko’s Daycare center will use internet resources to market itself to its prospective customers in and around Grogan Hill. There are many young parents in Grogan Hill who need daycare services for their children since most of them have daytime careers. The absence of enough of similar centers means that the market is flooding with opportunities. The center will also be advertised through brochures, newsletters, and the local newspaper. Financing will be done through equity and debt financing. Terry Tobiko’s Daycare Center is a start-up child care and support business that will be located at the heart of Grogan Hill. The center’s services will be tailored to fit the needs of children between ages 2 to 4. The childcare and support services will be offered from 6 in the morning to 6 in the evening. Some of the activities that the children will be expos ed to include: socializing, arts and crafts, exercises and group activities as well as general classroom learning. The service that will be on offer at Terry Tobiko’s Daycare center will be priced depending on the capability of Grogan Hill parents to pay. We will offer a low teacher to pupil ratio to ensure that the needs of each and every child are well taken care of. The children care center will be located in an easily accessible location, inside premises that will offer a comfortable learning and developing environment for the children.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Financial systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Financial systems - Essay Example tion is, i.e., the greater the efficiency with which it can mobilise the resources in the economy and create value, the stronger will be the fundamentals of the concerned nation. The financial institutions together form the financial market of a nation. These institutions contained within the financial web or community could be categorised into a number of groups depending on the type of activities with which they are involved. These different groups, namely, the agents, brokers and financial intermediaries are linked up with one another closely through contractual agreements or legal orders. While agents and brokers operate to bring the institutions and investors closer to each other, the intermediaries are the ones who channelise the flow of funds between any two agents. However, the classification above had been rather a broad one and the significant financial institutions are actually represented by special terms as follows – The banking sector – This sector comprises of financial intermediaries involved in channelising the flow of resources. To be precise, the banking sector indulges in accepting surplus deposits and lending them to deficit accounts. Foreign exchange market – Foreign exchange market also comprises of agents and brokers with the only difference with the former being that the role is being played by the commercial banks of the concerned nation (Das, 2005). Government debt market – The government debt market comprises of intermediaries in the form of the central bank of a given nation. It indulges in accumulating debt for the government from internal as well as external sources. The UK financial system is often claimed as one of the most robust and sound system among its counterparts in various developed nations, by the economists and political leaders of the nation. In fact, such claims could be debated by various facts and figures post the global financial meltdown. The bank had kept its prime lending rate rather low at 5.52%

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Financial managerment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Financial managerment - Essay Example Overhead Cost driver ?’000 Percentage Overheads cost Ouse Lendal Clifton Ouse Lendal Clifton Set up costs Number of production runs 350,000 30% 20% 50% 105,000 70,000 175,000 Machine related costs Number of machine hours 900,000 23% 18% 59% 211,765 158,823 529,412 Receiving costs Number of receipts 350,000 7% 10% 83% 25,000 35,000 290,000 Packing Number of deliveries 650,000 36% 14% 50% 234,000 91,000 325,000 Engineering Number of production runs 750,000 30% 20% 50% 225,000 150,000 375,000 800,765 504,823 1,694,412 Overheads Cost per Unit: Per unit Overhead cost = Overheads absorbed / Production volume Production volume (units) Overheads absorbed (?) Per Unit Overhead Cost (?) Ouse 9,000 800,765 89 Lendal 3,000 504,823 168 Clifton 1,500 1,694,412 1130 Cost Per Unit and Profit per Unit: Ouse Lendal Clifton Direct Material Cost per Unit (?) 30 40 15 Direct Labour Cost per Unit (?) 40 60 40 Overheads Cost per Unit (?) 89 168 1130 Total Per Unit Cost (?) 159 268 1185 Selling price per unit (?) 300 400 500 Total Direct Labour Cost (?) (159) (268) (1185) Profit per Unit (?) 141 132 (685) TASK 2: Traditional Full Costing: Full costing is defined as a method of costing of products in which all the manufacturing costs are included in the cost of the products being manufactured. The raw materials, direct labour involved in the production of the product and all fixed and variable products become the part of the items produced. Full costing is also termed as absorption costing. Activity Based Costing: Activity Based Costing is a costing method in which the consumption of resources are traced first and then charged to final products. However, the resources are not directly assigned to manufacturing products in this costing... Direct material cost and direct labour cost are allocated to the products in a similar way in both types of costing methods. These cost elements are allocated to the products as per their production volume. Each of these elements is allocated to each unit of the product that is manufactured. However, the overheads are absorbed in both of these products differently. In full costing method, the traditional approach is adopted while allocating costs to the product units. The approach is simple in which the resources are assigned directly to the units produced. A single volume measure is usually selected on the basis of which all overhead costs are allocated to the products. Thus, this allocation may depend upon a volume measure which may not be suitable for the purpose. Consequently, allocation of overheads may not be suitable and may reflect unrealistic cost of the products. In Activity Based Costing methodology, the overhead costs are accumulated and assigned to the activities of the production and non-production departments. The costs of these departments are then allocated to the product units.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Internet for Business module assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Internet for Business module assignment - Essay Example To add to their product offering, ASOS began to sell shoes, accessories, beauty products as well as jewellery in 2004. In the same year they were named as the second online clothing store by Hitwise magazine after Next ("ASOS: Unique enough to outlast competition", 2005). Steadily, the sales of ASOS grew. Their biggest sale was recorded from November to December of 2005. This resulted to an increase in the operating profit of the company. A seventy-one point seven percent increased was noted, which resulted to 1.1M operating profit in 2004-2005. In the table below, it is noticeable that the growth of ASOS came only in the years 2004-2005 when there group operating margin was recorded at eight point two and seven point nine respectively ("ASOS: Unique enough to outlast competition", 2005). However, it was the company's belief that the sales could have been higher if only some problems were quickly resolved. One of those problems was the warehousing problem. The number of orders that flooded ASOS during the holiday season of 2004 required them to ship around 2,000 to 3,000 orders per day ("ASOS: Unique enough to outlast competition", 2005). ... In addition, any of the items that ASOS were not offered during that season. After the rush of Christmas shopping subsided, many items were not sold and this resulted to a loss in full price sales opportunity. Since the items left in the warehouse ware already out of season, ASOS did not have any other choice but to offer them at discounted price early in 2005. This loss is noticeable in the table presented above. In 2004, the group-operating margin of ASOS was at eight point two percent, while its group-operating margin for the following year was only at seven point nine. ASOS Objectives Being both in the fashion and retail industry, ASOS needs to be able to meet the requirements of both industries in order to succeed. In relation to the fashion industry, ASOS must ensure that the items they are offering are in season. Being up to date, when it comes to the latest styles, is crucial for the case of ASOS. This is due to the fact that they are capitalizing on the trends that celebrities start (eMarketer, 2000). If ASOS is able to maintain this ability then the retail industry requirement can also be meet since trendy or in season clothes are more profitable than those that are not. This has been proven in the case stated earlier where ASOS had to sell out of season clothing at a discounted price. With this in mind, it is the objective of ASOS to offer and deliver the trendiest in season collection to their customers. Another objective of ASOS is to provide a pleasant online shopping experience to their customer. It is important to associate shopping with being online for ASOS' case. It is a fact that being physically involved in shopping brings about a different experience compared to

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 35

Case study - Essay Example Among those players, the most notable and renowned name was of the Next Step Herbal Health, which was also regarded as one of the fastest establishing companies in the US by Forbes. She decided to accept the invitation of joining the company for a ‘Get to Know Us session’. While she was leaving to join the session, she conducted some internet research about the company owing to which she was able to know that the company and its operational effectiveness in an efficient manner. However, some of the internet materials also depicted the malpractices of the company within their business operations. She received a warm welcome when reached the company. She interacted with the recruiters and enquired about the reality of the articles she read on the internet about the ethical practical practices of the company. She also attended a small event where the CEO of the company described the mission and vision of the business in precise. Subsequently, she was offered a contract by t he management after which she would need to join an orientation program in the Atlanta office of the company. It is apparent that Ramona was offered employment with an attractive contract by one of the top companies of the US. However, there are certain ethical practices and situations that need to be considered by Ramona while signing the contract with the company. Since Ramona was Christian in terms of religion there are also certain spiritual aspects that must be taken into consideration. Notably, as per some of the stanza in the Bible, ethics is an important part to be practiced by individuals towards ensuring their inner satisfaction. As per a particular excerpt from the Bible, â€Å"You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; you shall not lie to one another.† The excerpt primarily means that one should not be involved in stealing or appreciating falsely and must not lie to one another. Contextually, it has been noted from the provided case study that the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Empirical Evidence-Financial Systems and Economic Activity Essay

Empirical Evidence-Financial Systems and Economic Activity - Essay Example er, it was found that the expenditures over research and development, and not fixed capital formation, serve are the medium through which this impact takes place. It was also observed that the interaction amongst the structures and the industrial activity of the country greatly depends upon the levels of its economic growth. The concluding chapter of this paper explains the implications for the economic policy of the consideration that the institutional structure might be inter-related with the type of activity. 2. Review of Economic Performance and Financial Systems Joseph Schumpeter explained in 1912 that how the provision of loan was essential for the development and for the entrepreneurship. According to him, despite giving loan is not central to the normal circular flow, it is true that there exists a gap to overcome in the execution of new combinations. He further affirmed that the obligation of the lender is to bridge this gap, which he very well does by placing the power-to-p urchase developed ad hoc at the disposal of the businessman. Thorstein Veblen observed that the mechanism of assessing firms subject to â€Å"standardized bureaucratic routine† adopted by the entrepreneurs whom he referred to as the â€Å"lieutenants of finance† where as he dubbed the â€Å"syndicated bankers† as the â€Å"captain of finance† (Veblen, 1919). Nevertheless, Robert Lucas, among various others, debates that the economists poorly exaggerated the importance of financial attributes in economic performance (Lucas, 1988). While the significance of financial systems is doubtful, the efficacy of various sorts of financial systems has been found to be even more controversial. Clapham (1936) in his work agreed with the views of a principal officer of one of the Great Banks of Germany that... The paper includes the theoretical literature on the interaction among the financial and corporate mechanisms and the types of economic activities. Link of high risk R & D type activities has been established with the dispersed ownership financial systems and the market based financial systems, in case of the significant imposition of strict budget constraints. On the other hand, the financial systems with concentrated ownership and the bank oriented financial systems should be linked to long term investment with stimulated nature, in case of financial structures that require commitments to other stakeholders. This paper makes a conclusion that the empirical analyses of the relationship between the types of economic activity and financial and corporate systems are currently at its initial stage, they have significant policy implications if they are promoted through the provision of further evidence in this regard. Specifically, they indicate that there is not essentially a commanding financial system that is suitable for all economies or for all industries inside an economy. The financial systems or considerations that are deemed appropriate for a developed economy might turn inappropriate for a developing economy. Similarly what is appropriate for a highly innovative R & D economy might be inappropriate for a more imitative economy. There might be essential adjustments in making financial systems to comply with the countries’ stages of economic development, industrial bases, regulatory and legal policies.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Annie Hall Sixteen candles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annie Hall Sixteen candles - Essay Example The mise-en-scene of a scene remains related to the theme of the movie and sets the mood of the film. An efficiently done mise-en-scene creates the â€Å"illusion of naturalness† for the viewers (Barsam and Mohanam 194). In this paper mise-en-scenes of three scenes from each of the movies Annie Hall and Sixteen Candles are analysed. Annie Hall Annie Hall directed by Woody Allen was released in 1977. The opening scene of the film has a stark element to it. In this scene Woody Allen talks directly to the audience. The background is solid and opening monologue has many lines and they have been captured by the pop culture consciousness. In less than two minutes he talks about himself and his mid-life crisis. The monologue is written by Allen himself. He talks about how he feels about life being â€Å"full of loneliness, and misery and suffering and unhappiness, and it’s all over much too quickly.† The camera was still throughout the scene with a close shot of Allen. He talks about his estranged relationship with Annie Hall and says, â€Å"I keep sifting the pieces of the relationship through my mind, and, and examining my life and trying to figure out where did the screw-up come.† He also claims himself as someone who does not worry about aging but simultaneously points out that he is balding slightly. He also tells to the audience that he is not a depressed or morose character. This scene depicts Alvy Singer as an inept, angst-ridden, pessimistic, Brooklyn-born and stand-up comedian. In one scene of the movie the characters Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) and Annie Hall (Diane Keaton) are shown to boil live lobsters for meal. They bring home a bag of lobsters but they escape and create havoc. They are in a beach house and seem to have uproarious fun while trying to catch the crawling lobsters on the floor of their kitchen. The entire sequence which lasts for almost 75 seconds is done in a single shot. The camera is made to follow the characte rs around the room and this gives the scene a sense of urgency. The way the characters run and move the chair adds to the fun sequence. The dialogues were funny and enhanced the fun element. It was clear that Alvy was scared of lobsters and Annie was having fun by picking them up and scaring him. At one time Alvy squeezes beside a refrigerator and finds a lobster behind it and he jokes, â€Å"It'll turn up in our bed at night. Talk to him. You speak shellfish.† Annie attempts to capture the experience with her camera although Alvy feels scared to hold the lobsters in his hand in order to pose for her. Allen’s mise-en-scene reflects the camera movement to follow the movements of the character rather than anticipating them. At the beginning of the scene viewers can hear the conversation between Alvy and Annie although they cannot be seen. As the camera stands still, they walk towards it and end up in the foreground of the frame. The scene is known for its unscripted dial ogues and laughter which makes the viewers to relate with the scene more easily. This movie concentrates on the nuances of the relation between Alvy and Annie. The scene in which the viewers see Alvy and Annie together for the first time is set in a movie theater. The scene is not a romantic moment; it is a thrilling chivalrous gesture. Although the characters seem to be comfortable in the presence of each other, there is the element of annoyance. Alvy is shown as irritated because she has been late and this made her miss the first couple of minutes of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

IP 2 - Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IP 2 - Art - Essay Example The sphinx was smashed into fragments by Hatshepsut’s successor and cousin, but it was later reassembled the Metropolitan Museum of art in New York, where it is on view in gallery 131. The Statuette of Eros depicts a winged Eros, wearing Herakles’ lion skin. The sculpture’s dimensions are 39.4 cm x 26.7cm x 16.5 cm. The sculptor used terracotta (clay-based ceramic) to produce this masterpiece back in the 1st Century B.C. The statuette belongs to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. However, the Statuette of Eros is not on view. The sculpture is slightly in motion because Eros’s left hand is extended while his left hand is hidden behind his back. Ero’s posture shows that he is standing, but the arms show that there may be small movements. Ero’s wears a lion skin that covers him head to toe. There are traces of red on his chest, perhaps from the lion’s blood. Eros wear a circlet on his left thigh and a bracelet on his upper left arm. The sculpture captures the viewer because it portrays Eros as Herakles. The Statuette is chubby, beautiful (wings and ornaments), and seductive. Heracles of Mantinea or Heracles Combattant is a muscular representation of Heracles in action. The small structure is a representation of ancient Greek art and was sculpted between the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. The figure is made out of bronze and is 13 cm tall. The sculpture is located in the Room 22, Sully Wing of the Louvre Museum in Paris. However, the room is currently not open to the public. The small bronze represents a bearded man who appears to be taking a lunge with his left foot. Heracles’ right arm is raised behind his head (as if grabbing his mythical club), whereas his left arm is stretched forward (as if clasping something/someone). The aforementioned attributes, along with the powerful musculature, are a clear indication that the figure is a representation of the Greek legend

Monday, July 22, 2019

Definition of Friendship Essay Example for Free

Definition of Friendship Essay As a child, there was a plaque on my father’s den wall that I would read everyday. It read, â€Å"A friend is someone who knows all about, and loves you anyway.† I did not understand what it meant. I though it was a cynical quote against friendship, being my father was the sarcastic type. As an adult, I have to admit secret apologies to my dad, because now I understand the concept and meaning, and hold it to be true in my heart of what friendship is about. Being an evolving emotion, friendship enters and flees life, faster than the speed of light. You will never know when you might meet a true friend, and cannot fathom the day that you will part company with one. In the third grade, while playing jump rope with classmates, we engaged in a huge (by a 3rd grader’s opinion) argument, over some unknown aspect of the game. Everyone chose sides and split camps. The repercussions lasted so long in each of our memories; we continued our grudge into the following school years. Eventually, some people moved away, others stayed, some even forgot about the feud. Only the loyal could not let the honor of the pack be diminished. Loyalty is one of the first elements of friendship that we learn as a child. No matter the circumstance, as children, we lived and died, for the name of our neighborhood block, school, and friends. There was nothing more honorable than the chance to â€Å"take one for the team.† We associated loyalty as the sign of ultimate friendship, undying in our young hearts, until we are forced to move away, or attend different schools. As we grow, we understand the price of loyalty to a friend. The act was so innocent that we did not understand why we were being treated this way. You run the risk of being an outcast, shunned by former friends and ridiculed by classmates. Over the years, we begin to deal with the issues of being popular and going with the crowd, and end up forgetting the quality in friendship of being loyal to each other. I played basketball, in junior high school; I wasn’t much of an athlete, but I loved the game. I was put on a team, with some very experience players. One of whom, I did not get along with. She was loud and rambunctious, everything I despised in a person. I guess being her opposite; I must have repulsed her as well. We practiced and played many games, learning each others moves and techniques, and came to understand each others different contribution to the team. Respect is another quality of friendship. As we grow, we understand that the value of friendships mature. We are no longer envious of each other, or jealous. We use each other’s success as a tool to achieve our dreams. When you can appreciate what makes a person different, there is a natural attraction to the unknown. Realizing the fact that you cannot change a person into what you want them to be, will save you time and effort in friendships and relationships. Respect is often tried when a friend is making a huge mistake of something you have already experienced. We try to warn, coax, and plead them to change their minds, and the friendship is tested. The friend might become angry, and may not understand our motives. Though friends may not listen or do what we want them to do, we have to respect their decisions. For we all have to live our own life, and experience our own downfalls. As a part of growing, we often engage in practices we regret. Once I played the game of â€Å"Truth or Dare† with classmates, and was forced to commit an act with another classmate, that we both did not want to do. We were shy about it, and never so much as spoke to each other again after that incident. Years went by, and we continued to go to school together. We were finally able to look at each other and talk about what happened. We were honest and laughed about it, until we cried. We had no shame after we were truthful with each other. Honesty, whether right or wrong, is the ultimate backbone of friendship. As the quote says, a true friend should know all about you. Being honest with your friends will bring respect and loyalty from them. The truer you are with you feelings, the freer you will be. Opening up your heart helps to heal emotional wounds and reminds friends of your appreciation for them. Often times, we forget to remind our friends of how special they are to us and letting them know that you do trust them with your problems as well as you triumphs. As adults we learn that opening up to our trusted friends is natural, not â€Å"corny† and â€Å"un-cool† as in our youn ger days. People don’t talk much about the love friends have for one another. When people describe friends, they often use the word like. â€Å"Like† isn’t strong enough to describe the bond shared between friends. In a true friend, you never get tired of their company, and you can always be yourself. You can confide and depend on them in ways we never knew we could with others. What we must realize is the fact that during our adolescent years, our friends were forced, through school and other activities. As an adult, we make our own choices, and befriend those that we deem worthwhile. We also learn that the number of these friends drops dramatically, in some cases to two or three people. That fact does not mean a person is unfriendly, it is just a reality that there are only so many people who will actually be there for you. When I say there, I mean emotionally, mentally, financially, etc. A true friend can understand why you need a little help this month on bills, or why you don’t want to hang out. Friends can see right through you, like looking through fiberglass. They know just how to approach you, when they are concerned, and take into account your pride and shamefulness. They know how to stroke your ego, and build you up; and break you down and make you humble again. The jump rope queen, the jock, and the shy guy all became my absolute true friends. I did not know it then; but who knows these things? Now as adults, we look back on our past, and wonder why we stuck together. Individually, we have been through good times and bad, arguments and vacations. We have spent months not speaking to each other, and nights where we cannot get off the phone. Like peas in a pod, we stuck together. We have seen each other grow, into people we never thought we would see. Our relationships continue to grow and change over time, but that is expected. There does not seem to be anything else we could do to each other that would tear us apart.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Stack Sequential Algorithm to Analyse Adverse Drug Reaction

Stack Sequential Algorithm to Analyse Adverse Drug Reaction Amiya Kumar Tripathy, Nilakshi Joshi, Aslesha More, Divyadev Pillai, Amruni Waingankar Abstract— An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is ‘a response to a medicine which is noxious and unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used in human beings’. During the last decades it has been estimated that such adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are the 4th to 6th largest cause for mortality in different countries. They result in the death of several thousands of patients each year, and many more suffer from ADRs. The percentage of hospital admissions due to adverse drug reactions in some countries is about or more than 10%. In addition suitable services to treat ADRs impose a high financial burden on health care due to the hospital care of patients with drug related problems. Some countries spend up to 15-20% of their hospital budget dealing with drug complications. The existing scenario is manual, costly, not easily portable and the findings are not reported to the responsible authorities in timely manner. To overcome these flaws of the existing system, we propose a automated ADR detecting  system. This is an interactive system platform for detecting ADR from the specified combination of drugs. If ADR is detected , the system will suggest some appropriate combination of drugs which will solve the specified purpose. The detection part of ADR is done by using algorithms like Chi-Square, PRR (Proportionality Result Ratio), Combinational.(Which are already implemented). The solution part i.e, suggesting appropriate drug combination is implemented by Sequential decoding algorithms and the stack sequential algorithm. Keywords—Adverse Drug Reaction, Adverse Drug Event, Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Network, Information Component, Frequent Pattern, Online Analytical Processing Database , Operating System, Random Access Memory, Medicines and Healthcare pro ducts Regulatory Agency, World Health Organization. I. INTRODUCTION An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is an injury caused by taking medication.[1] ADRs may occur due to a single dose or long term administration of a drug or result from the combination of two or more drugs ,as this last expression might also imply that the effects can be beneficial.†ADE can be mainly caused from medication errors. A serious adverse event is any event that: Is fatal Is life-threatening Is permanently/significantly disabling Requires or longterm hospitalization Causes birth defects Requires intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage II. RELATED WORK Study of design elements include exploration of relevant multiple outcomes (utilization and/or safety), sample size calculations, cohort accrual procedures, and the timing and method of data collection. The custom questionnaires can include those related risks potentially possible and identified, also missing information in RMPs or can be designed to address specific regulatory issues. Single data capture or multiple data capture phases enable abstraction of clinical information from medical chart review by prescribers responsible for treatment initiation in primary care, over a time frame relevant to study needs analysis plans can be tailored to address novel analytical issues and also convey thoughtful, appropriate, and comprehensive analysis of the data. Study reports have been prepared with scientific rigor to provide brief or in depth presentation of results relevant to the products safety and efficiency [4]. Before a medicine is granted a license it has to go through the strict tests and routine checks to ensure that it is acceptably safe and effective. All the medicines which are effective, can cause adverse drug reactions which in general term we say a side effect, which can range from a very minor occurrence to being very serious. For a medicine to be authorized licensed, the benefits of the medicine must satisfy all the possible conditions of the medicine causing adverse effects in patients. Many a times, it is not easy to identify if the side effect is due to a medicine, or something else. Even if it is only a suspicion that a medicine or combination of medicines has caused a side effect, the patients or doctors are asked to send the proper reports of the symptoms and drugs prescribed, to FDA. Reports received on suspected side effects are evaluated, with the information like clinical trial data, medical literature or data from international medicines regulators, for identifying previously unidentified safety issues or side effects[5]. In statistics, a confidence interval (CI) is a population parameter estimation and it indicates the reliability of an estimate. It is calculated from the observations, in principle differs from sample to sample. The frequently observed interval contains the parameter and is determined by the confidence level or confidence coefficient. Confidence intervals contains a range of values (interval) that act as best estimates of the unknown population parameter. However, in infrequent cases, none of these values may cover the value of the parameter. The level of confidence of the confidence interval would indicate the probability that the confidence range captures this true population parameter given a distribution of samples. The confidence interval contains the parameter values that, when tested, should not be rejected with the same sample. Greater levels of variance yield larger confidence intervals, and hence less precise estimates of the parameter. Confidence intervals of difference parameters not containing 0 imply that there is a statistically significant difference between the populations. III.SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The database comprises of a combination of drugs-symptoms and the adverse drug reactions associated with them in particular. The database is a heterogeneous aggregation of the demographic, combination, drug, symptoms and reactions of ADRs. It previously consists of Information related to the drug description and attributes of the patient as well. After evaluating the patient info which involves the symptoms and the medicines the doctor has prescribed to that patient the working system would provide a safe case to the end user. These cases are consistent and can be further used by the Doctor/Pharmacist to prescribe the combinations. These safe cases would be ago ahead for the doctor about his prescription to that particular patient. These are tested cases and determine the validity of that doctor’s prescription. The probability of occurrence of an ADR and its detection for a new patient is our main goal. The input after being assessed derives a result of an ADR case. The occurrence of ADR means that the Doctor has to modify his combination of Drugs accordingly and convert an ADR case to a safe case. This should result in the doctor making changes that prove to be safe to the patient according to our system. The input given by the Doctor detecting an ADR case is then matched with the database in the available system. The Database already comprises of ADR cases found out, so when a current patient whose symptoms and the prescribed medicine by the doctor matches it leads to a ADR detection. Figure 1: System Architecture The doctor will give input to the system including the patients symptoms and the medicines prescribed by the doctor to that current patient .These information are the important factors for the detection of the ADR through the system. IV.SYSTEM FLOW Figure 2: System flow The System flow involves extracting the Database which includes the ADR cases and the safe cases. These cases are stored in the database and comprises of the drug-symptom combination. When a Doctor provides input to the system with the Symptoms and drugs, the system evaluates the validity using the PRR algorithm and provides a value which is then matched with the current records in the database of ADRs. In occurrences of safe case the doctor continues with his combination of medicines prescribed, but in the event of an ADR that is occurred the doctor realizes that a medical negligence could occur. To prevent such an occurrence he modifies his drug combination for the safety of the patient. V. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP For making experimental setup we have developed the structured database in XAMPP with MySQL and we have made front end in HTML for executing various queries. The database which we are using is the official database released by food and Drug Administration (FDA)[2]. The database is updated after every three months. Database consist complete information about Demographic data of patients, drug, indications, reactions, therapy ETC. data of 5000 patients was considered as test cases. The database which we have contains following: Drug information; Reaction information; Patient outcome information; Information on the source; Figure 3: database Screenshot This table shown below gives complete statistics about the test cases of adverse drug reaction received in various years. The test cases are reported by various hospitals, doctors, pharmacist, clinical researches, and drug manufacturers. This table shows the number of reports received by Food and Drug Association and entered into FDA Adverse Event Reporting System by type of report since the year 2003 until the end of the second quarter of 2012. Table 1: database statistics Table 1 provides information regarding the data that is present in the database[2]. Each year shows a number of new cases that were registered with the US FDA. Expedited Cases involve those which were reported as soon as it was detected. Direct Cases involve those which were reported by individuals/ independent medical practitioners. Non-expedited cases are those cases which were reported much after occurrence. The number of cases that were received by US FDA were much higher than those that were entered. Details regarding registered cases is available until the second quarter of the year 2012 only. VI. METHODS AND ALGORITHMS Proportionality Reporting Ratio (PRR) The PRR algorithm is a statistical method which is used to detect ADRs in Electronic health records and databases .The working of this algorithm relies on the fact that when an ADR (related to a particular event) is identified for a medicinal product (say medicinal product P), this adverse event is relatively reported more often in association with this product P than with any other products in the database. This gradual increase in the reporting of events for the medicinal product P in consideration is reflected in the table below based on the total number of cases stored in the database. Table 2: Contingency matrix for PRR In the table mentioned the elements calculated are the individual available cases in the available database .Therefore a given individual case may contribute to only a single cell of the table, where the cases refer to the multiple products or the adverse events[7] PRR= A/(A+B) C/(C+D) The general criteria to run the PRR are as follows: Value A is the number of cases with the defective medicinal product P involving an adverse event R. Value B is the number of cases related to the defective medicinal product P, involving any other adverse events but R. Value C is the number of cases involving event R in relation to any other medicinal products but P. Value D is the number of cases involving any other adverse events but R and any other medicinal products but P The system performs the calculations of the PRR on all the case counts instead of the ADRs to be chosen to keep the individuality between the variables used to calculate PRR so that the difference of the PRR will not be underestimated. The calculation of the PRR is done as follows: For evaluating given cases of nausea involving medicinal product ‘allopurinol l’ = 15% (e.g. 15 reports of diarrhea amongst a total of 100 reports reported with medicinal product ‘allopurino l’). For evaluating a given number of reports of nausea with other medicinal products in a database = 5%. Thus, the Proportionality Reporting Ratio is equal to 3 . The chi-square (χ2) statistics The Chi-square is a statistic, which is traditionally used in dis proportionality analyses. The Chi-square is used as an alternative measure of association between the medicinal product P and the adverse event R based on the following calculation:[8] X2= (AD-BC)2(A+B+C+D)/[(A+B)(C+D)(A+C)(B+D)] When the PRR is displayed with the X2 statistic : The PRR ≠¥ 2 The X2 ≠¥ 4 The number of indivisual cases greater or equal to 3. Stack Sequential We introduce the drug combination optimization algorithms and show how they relate to the algorithms used in sequential decoding. Fully factorial datasets, where every possible drug combination is tested, grow exponentially with the number of drugs (n). See Text S1 for the relevant equation and an example dataset. In computational terms we say that the complexity is O(an). The O-notation indicates the order of growth of an algorithm basic operation count as a function of the input size. An exponential growth is not practical for large n, therefore our aim is to find algorithms with improved efficiency, for example with a linear dependency on n, expressed as O(n). The problem of finding the optimal estimate of the encoded sequence is described as a walk through a tree. To appreciate the analogy with the search for the optimal drug combination, the tree shown in Figure 4 can be compared with the trees used in one of the original descriptions of the stack sequential algorithm [14]. An alternative version of the tree, the ‘‘trellis’’ depiction shown in Figure 5, eliminates nodes representing redundant drug-dose combinations. The stack is a sorted list of all examined combinations (best on top). Notations : A1= BACITRACIN A2= KADCYLA B1= ERYTHROMYCIN B2= RAMIPRIL S1 – the process initially contains only the list of the measurements in the absence of any drug (the root of the tree of Figure 4). Figure.4 Tree representation of the data S2 The parsing begins from the top of the sorted list. After the search completes it moves one level up in the braches of figure 4. Combinations already used are ignored for future extensions. S3 – Once the combination reaches its maximum size , the parsing ends. This is similar to reaching the top of the tree of Figure 4. Since we consider the best combination, instead of best path, we do not delete any combination from the processed list. When we find a combination been already used, we move to the next combination in the sorted list. We do not combine different doses of the same drug with each other, to limit the size of the search, but this is not an essential feature as shown in Figure 2,. The algorithm is efficient in searching combinations in which the outcome is not purely additive, because it overcomes non-linearities by backtracking to nodes in the tree. Figure.5 Trellis-like representation showing combination of the data. S1 Examine all drugs based on strength, doses and rank. S2 The best drug combination is saved from the processed list. S3 Select the best single drug and call it Cbest. S4 Take the Combination of Cbest with all other drugs, increasing the drug size by 1, measure the biological scores, and store the list of drugs of this size. At this step the algorithm moves one level upwards in the tree of Figure 4. S5 If the new combinations scores better than Cbest, this combination is used as the new Cbest and return to previous step. If no new combination scores better than Cbest, backtrack to the next best combination in the previous size, mark it as Cbest and return to the previous step. S6 Backtrack value should be limited to a specific value. S7 Repeat S4 to S6 till we find that the maximum size for the combinations is reached. VII. CONCLUSION In this system, by using PRR in association with Chi-Square, an attempt has been made to help and assist the doctors/pharmacists to perform safe drug evaluation. An experimental study using test cases and combinations from a doctor was performed and the results obtained were very promising. The system proposes a unique method for correcting the prescribed combination of drugs in case of an ADR event occurrence using Stack Sequential. The possibility of vast Patient Record data available allows for extracting the results available to the system. The approach used in this paper can be to provide an impetus and improve existing systems that provide detect Adverse Drug Reactions. In the field of Pharmaceutical and medical diagnosis, there is always the scope for uncertainty. This system has been built to provide a naà ¯ve and safe understanding of the drug combinations on the experience of doctors only, so there will always be a scope for ambiguous or uncertain diagnosis. The developed system does not give a 100% accurate results as not even the doctors can claim to do so; however, its results are promising. It can be used as a tool to complement the doctors’ knowledge and could assist them to reach a conclusion. The system will give the doctor an upper hand to decide whether to use the results evaluated from the algorithm and prevent an ADR. By using this system, many essential results can be obtained, thus reducing the effects of wrong prescriptions to some extent. With the support of various medicinal and pharmaceutical practitioners and hospitals, higher probability of getting the positive results right can be obtained. With an extensive database of medical records to mine from, this could be useful to build helpful medical assistance software that can be of great use to all doctors and pharmacists using this system. The system will also help the medical fraternity in the future by helping them in providing safer medical assistance to the patients and doctors. VIII. REFERENCES [1] Search Algorithms as a Framework for the Optimization of Drug Combinations Diego Calzolari1., Stefania Bruschi1., Laurence Coquin1, Jennifer Schofield1, Jacob D. Feala2, John C. Reed1, Andrew D. McCulloch2, Giovanni Paternostro1,2* 1 Burnham Institute for Medical Research, La Jolla, California, United States of America, 2 Department of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States of America. [2] Safety of Medicines A guide to detecting and reporting adverse drug reactions. [3] Statistical methods for knowledge discovery in adverse drug reaction surveillance G. Niklas Norà ©n. [4] Adverse drug reactions: definitions, diagnosis, and management I Ralph Edwards, Jeffrey K Aronson [5] MANUAL OF OPERATIONS ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM (ADORS) [6] An Information Technology Architecture for Drug Effectiveness Reporting and Post-Marketing Surveillance -Surendra Sarnikar , Amar Gupta, Ray Woosley(2006). [7] A multi-agent intelligent system for detecting unknown adverse drug reactions through communication and collaboration -Ayman Mohammad Mansour Wayne State University(2012) [8] ADRTrace: Detecting Expected and Unexpected Adverse Drug Reactions from User Reviews on Social Media Sites Andrew Yates, Nazli Goharian [9] Detect adverse drug reactions for the drug Pravastatin. Yihui Liul ‘Institute of Intelligent Information Processing,’ Shandong Polytechnic University, China(2012)

Importance Of Energy Conservation Planning Construction Essay

Importance Of Energy Conservation Planning Construction Essay Background of the Problem In recent years, the number of buildings constructed using energy-saving designs hasincreased due to the increasing awareness of the benefits of energy conservation, both economic and environment. The recent rapid advances in computer technology have facilitated the development of energy-saving building designs by allowing detailed simulations, involving the incorporation of many energy-saving building techniques and features, to be conducted in the design stage. These techniques have been widely studied in terms of their design potential, however, there are very few studies concerning the actual post-construction performance of the design features and whether the overall building design does in fact provide significant energy savings. Energy conservation has been the utmost importance focus of agencies. It is the goal of this plan to reduce energy consumption to a minimum of 5-7% in all the borough facilities. The general approach presented in this draft depends on the cooperation and active participation of borough staff in the creation and implementation of a conservation strategy for two reasons: 1) staff have the knowledge and experience with specific facilities/operations to propose effective solutions and 2) staff support is essential for successful implementation. The plan would require a close working relationship and cooperation of borough staff. Time and resource demands on staff should be kept to a minimum and should not interfere with normal duties. Conservation plan should include an initial education component to inform staff of the existing energy use and trends for each facility and to describe the conservation plan and goals. Staff will be asked to help identify conservation strategies that can achieve that goal without unduly impairing existing operations and efficiencies. One or more meetings will be necessary to discuss staff ideas and agree on one or more conservation strategies. The coordinator and/or commission may be able to help implement strategies. Finally, energy usage should be documented to provide regular feedback to staff of each facility to judge success and allow adjustments. Energy conservation is considered a worthwhile goal because it conserves natural resources. The examples of CSDOC and Hyperion suggest that reductions in energy use can also lead to increased ability to comply with air emissions regulations. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas which is released by all wastewater treatment and bio-solids management processes. Converting bio-solids to fuel achieves. Substantial benefit from the wastes before carbon dioxide is ultimately released. In addition, non-renewable energy sources are replaced by renewable energy from wastewater. Goals of the Plan The initial aim of this plan is to have 1% savings in energy consumption in all of the office buildings (until such time when these buildings can conduct an energy conservation feasibility study to indicate more precise benchmarks/metrics). To support energy efficiencies at this location, energy conservation groups have partnered with the owners of these buildings. To this end, the owners shall adapt the goal of a 1% savings in energy until such time as an energy conservation feasibility study can be completed. In the meantime, energy conservation groups will conduct periodic utility awareness sessions with staff. As a minimum, these sessions will encourage the following actions, when practical: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Turn off lights when leaving the office, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Turn off outside lights during the day, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Turn off computers/monitors and office equipment at the end of the day, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Have TBPC set thermostats at 75-76 degrees in warm weather and 68-69 degrees in cool weather, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Keep blinds/curtains closed during hot summer days and open on sunny winter days, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure heating and air conditioning vents are not blocked, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure water faucets are completely closed, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Report water leaks immediately, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Use standby function on copiers, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Recycle paper. These sessions shall run for the first quarter of the year. At the end of each fiscal quarter, the Agency Energy Conservation Manager will coordinate with the representatives of each organization to compile and review the utility rates and costs for the buildings fair share portion of the said area for the previous quarter. The Agency Energy Conservation Manager will review the usage and expenditures incurred to determine if they vary abnormally. If so, a review will be conducted immediately to determine the cause. Another goal of this plan is to have a 2% increase in average fuel mileage for the fleet of three agency vehicles. The agencys goal for reducing vehicle fuel costs will be centered on miles per gallon (MPG) efficiency. In MPG Efficiency, our goal is to increase the fleet average mpg efficiency by 2% over the FY 2005 average of 6.25. This will be accomplished by emphasizing the agency vehicle preventive maintenance program and by increasing awareness of fuel efficient driving habits. To increase driver awareness of fuel efficient driving habits, each vehicle will have a copy of the fuel efficiency goals which include the following common sense guidelines: do not leave vehicle idling while stopped, no rapid acceleration from a standstill, maintain adequate tire pressures at all times, maintain engine tune-up and filter replacement recommended by manufacturer, make sure that transmission overdrive is working properly, Drive at 10% below the posted speed limit on major thoroughfares. Further, the energy conservation group will encourage staff to consolidate trips, when practical, to reduce overall fleet mileage by scheduling routine pickups/deliveries well in advance. Evaluation Evaluating a facility for energy efficiencies and adopting an energy conservation plan often result in increased treatment efficiency, along with the potential for increased treatment capacity, an increased ability to meet effluent limitations, reduced OM requirements, and reduced energy costs. The main requirement on the part of the tenants of these buildings is a commitment to spend the initial time needed to evaluate the system, to follow through with the development of an energy conservation plan, and to implement the plans recommendations. A number of U.S. facilities, including the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) and the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) in the San Francisco Bay area, have developed and implemented energy conservation and management plans (Taylor 2005, Cohn 2005). These plans typically have the goal of reducing energy costs by a specified percentage. The key components of an effective energy management plan are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Creating a system to track energy usage and costs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing energy audits of major operations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Upgrading equipment, systems, and controls, including facility and collection system improvements to increase energy efficiency à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Developing a cost-effective electric supply purchasing strategy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Optimizing load profiles by shifting operations where possible à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Developing in-house energy management training for operators Action Items Action Steps Timeline Creating a system to track energy usage and costs Gaining an understanding of where the energy is being used. Month 1 Performing Energy Audits of Major Operation Periodic Checking of Energy allocation Month 1 Upgrade of Equipments, Facilities, etc. Installing high-efficiency influent and effluent pumps, high-efficiency motors, and variable-frequency drives Discontinuing second-stage activated-sludge mixing Months 2-4 Upgrade of Equipments, Facilities, etc. Adding plastic balls to prevent heat loss and evaporation losses in the oxygen production vaporizer pit Tying in pipes on gas recirculation blowers to allow one blower to service two mixing tanks Months 2-4 There is still significant energy-saving potential in the public sector. For example, energy consumption by municipalities and institutions varies widely. The Government is insisting on the need for public administration to be cost-effective so that public money is used prudently. As a major procurer of energy-efficient products and as a large building administrator, the public sector can help to develop and promote the markets for energy-efficient products and solutions, including through the procurement of energy services. A recent study shows that there are a number of barriers to energy savings in the municipal sector. These have to do with economic management and organisation, lack of knowledge, and behaviour, among other factors. The municipal reform can help to break down these barriers. The new requirements for energy labelling of buildings will include a requirement for regular labelling of all public buildings, regardless of size. The energy labels of public buildings must be accessible to the public. Energy consumption be must regularly published on the Internet so that it is possible to conduct benchmarking between institutions. At the same time, suppliers of energy-efficient equipment and providers of energy services will have access to up-to-date information on market opportunities, which in turn will support the realisation of the savings potential. Although significant efforts have been made in recent years to increase the use of energy-efficient appliances, electricity consumption for appliances, etc. is still increasing as a result of more devices and more equipment being used. There are still large potentials for energy savings, and there is a need to expand and develop the initiative with regards to apparatus categories and effective interventions. Most appliances have a relatively short lifetime. Significant savings can therefore be achieved quickly if energy-efficient appliances are chosen when old ones are replaced. Such appliances are usually not much more expensive, but can result in significant energy savings and hence economic gains. Well-functioning markets for energy savings and energy-efficient products require easy access to relevant information. Transparency is therefore a keyword in the future energy-conservation drive. Information on energy consumption and on possible savings must be readily accessible to citizens and enterprises. It is also essential that the information initiative is coordinated and that there is consistency between general and more targeted information and campaign activities. At the same time, as part of the on-going energy conservation effort, general information and behaviour modification must be provided on energy conservation, for instance through educational programs for schools, etc. Although the primary objective with price-sensitive electricity consumption is not to achieve electricity savings, it nevertheless contributes to supply security in the short term and to the evening out of peak loads in electricity consumption. An initiative for price-sensitive electricity consumption has aspects in common with an initiative for increased energy efficiency. Intelligent appliances that react to prices will also be more energy efficient. Advanced meters are necessary for price-sensitive electricity consumption, as well as for providing information on the composition of the electricity consumption with a view to energy efficiency. Energy efficiency and price-sensitive electricity consumption should therefore be more closely linked, with respect to both consultancy and to the technological design of meters and appliances. It is essential that the promotion of energy conservation be well-organised and that the funds available be used as efficiently as possible. The point of departure for organising future initiatives is the desire for balanced and yet effective action that pays back in the short term. The target is that enterprises and energy consumers experience that energy saving results in economic gains and a reasonable return on investment that would not otherwise be achieved. The Government considers it essential that the organisation of the energy conservation drive reflect the priorities set for energy saving. The organisation must support the market-oriented strategy and the initiatives described in the action plan. It is important that the funds made available result in the highest possible profitable savings. Conclusion Energy conservation and emission reduction is essential to suitable development and economic development in harmony with the environment. Building the government management mechanism of energy conservation and emission reduction has become an important task of government reforms. Study the retraining factors of energy conservation and emission reduction, and propose legal guarantees, management innovation, technology innovation, service system construction and upgrading of industrial structure are the critical factors to energy conservation and emission reduction management mechanisms performance. Then discuss the critical factors deeply. Improve the special legislation; department law linkage and strengthening law enforcement supervision are essential to providing legal guarantees for energy conservation and emission reduction; comprehensive evaluation system and strict control system are essential to management innovation; policy guide and comprehensive utilization is essential to technology innovation; positive policy guide for development of consultation industry is the main task of energy conservation and emission reduction service system construction; high and new technology industries, elimination of outdated production capacity and development of recycling economy are useful for upgrading of industrial structure. Construction and consummation of energy conservation and emission reduction relevant law could provide measures for government to solve the problem of energy dissipation and environment pollution. The construction and consummation of law related to energy conservation and emission reduction is system engineering. All of the work must be based on the present laws and regulations. Then refine these further. And the refining works must be in connection with the actual need and based on thorough investigation. If necessary, new laws and regulations could come into existence. The construction and consummation must follow in proper sequence, and then could provide a solid legal security foundation. Today, our government have more than twenty law related to environment and resources protection. For example, Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Air Pollution Control Law, Law on the Pretension and Control of Noise Pollution, Law on the Pretension and Control of Solid Waste Pollution, Cleaner Production Promotion Law , Law of Environmental Impact Assessment and so on. But these laws and regulations couldnt meet the need of energy conservation and emission legal security. Although there is an energy conservation and emission reduction legal security framework, there arent special laws and regulations related relevant industry and special type of enterprises energy conservation and emission reduction control. And there arent effective legal means to closely restraint on enterprises disposal of pollutants and energy consumption. So, it is necessary to set some corresponding laws and regulations for special industry and enterprises in aspect of saving energy, recycling eco nomic and pollution prevention. For example, the British has many special laws and regulations, Alkali Act, Industry development Environment Act, Clean Air Amendment, Fume Emission Act, Environmental Protection Act, Water Act, and Water Industry Act and so on. Reinforce the supervision and control measures, then the energy conservation and emission reduction works could carry on effectively and orderly. Determine the responsibility of the establishment units according to the energy conservation and emission reduction plan and tasks. Strictly examine the achievement of there goals. And during the above process, the comprehensive utilizations of resources should be the focus. At last, its useful and essential to collect the suggestions of various establishment units. And optimize the energy conservation and emission reduction management system according to the suggestions and the feedback information of management systems control activities. So the innovation of energy conservation and emission reduction management system would go forward for ever.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

What Is a Gold-Collar Worker? :: Workforce Work Papers

What Is a Gold-Collar Worker? A Higher Level of Knowledge Work. Kelley (1990) described an old distinction that divided the work force into blue-collar and white-collar workers. Blue-collar workers typically did manual labor in a factory for hourly pay, whereas white-collar workers did knowledge work in an office on salary. However, changes in the nature of work and the workplace have led to large growth in the numbers of a particular kind of knowledge worker—the gold-collar worker, whose most valuable assets are problem-solving abilities, creativity, talent, and intelligence; who performs nonrepetitive and complex work that is difficult to evaluate; and who prefers self-management. The gold-collar worker is, for example, the computer engineer as opposed to a lower-level knowledge worker such as an input operator. Kelley pointed out that even though the name is new, there have always been gold-collar workers like designers, researchers, analysts, engineers, and lawyers. Learning, Teams, and Strategic Thinking. Wood (2001) characterized gold-collar workers in information technology (IT) similarly by focusing on qualitative matters. Gold-collar IT workers learn continually from experience. They recognize the synergy of teams and can demonstrate leadership; they are strategic thinkers who see the big picture and can change strategic directions when necessary. They have a portable, flexible skill base relevant to a variety of work environments and maintain that skill base through their own personal development, with well-connected networks of contacts at the leading edge. Interdisciplinary Knowledge. Where business and science intersect, the basic focus of the gold-collar worker is interdisciplinary knowledge and experience (Bartlett 1998; Todaro 2001; Van Nierop and Bow 1997). This interdisciplinary focus combines scientific or other technical knowledge and skills with business literacy to result in a gold-collar worker with expertise across several areas. Gold-collar engineers, chemists, biologists, physicists, or geoscientists understand the relationship between their scientific discipline and business, have the management and financial knowledge needed for a business environment, and can "marry" science and entrepreneurship. Other Characterizations. Roe (2001) called the gold-collar worker "a highly skilled multidisciplinarian who combines the mind of the white-collar worker with the hands of the blue-collar employee" (p. 32); examples include aircraft systems maintenance technicians, network administrators, and advanced manufacturing technicians. A similar case would be online customer service representatives (CSRs), for whom managing customer relationships now involves not only oral communication but also text-based Internet chat and e-mail about tough questions not answered in frequently asked questions or canned e-mail responses (Dicksteen 2001).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Paul Monettes Love Alone :: Poetry Poem Poet Essays

Paul Monette's Love Alone Loss. Grief. Mourning. Anger. Disbelief. Emotions are in abundance when a loved one passes away. People need to find a way to cope with the situations and often need to express themselves by writing their feelings down in order to get them out. This is exactly what Paul Monette does in his book of poetry title â€Å"Love Alone† in remembrance of his companion Rog. Through writing his poetry Monette describes his emotions and the events that occurred during Rog’s battle with AIDS. By Monette’s transitioning through different emotions, the reader begins to understand the pain the author is dealt. Touching upon Kubler-Ross’ five stages of death including denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, Monette transitions to Rog’s decline in health. Using different fonts and no punctuation, the lines are interpreted by the reader using instincts to know when to begin and end a sentence. Evident in the poems â€Å"The Very Sameà ¢â‚¬ , â€Å"The Half-life†, and â€Å"Current Status†, Monette gives a description of loss that makes the reader tingle. The poem â€Å"The Very Same† was written at Rog’s funeral. Family and friends of Paul try to get him to move on but Monette, being insulted to think that he can move on so quickly, does not adhere to the advice. Monette felt a special connection with Rog and felt as if a part of him died when Rog died He felt as if he lost his other half. To express the intonation in which the reader should interpret the poem different styles of font express the emotions and give the tone of Monette’s voice. â€Å"BUT THIS IS MY PAGE IT CANNOT BE TURNED†(Monette 20). Written in all capital letters the reader interprets this as an exclamatory remark. The italics on â€Å"is† emphasizes that word should be stressed. Monette is very angry at this point that everyone is telling him to move on, to â€Å"turn the page.† But he feels as if there is no page to turn to. He and Rog were one soul in two bodies. How can someone live with half a s oul. The use of italics is interpreted as a softened way of speaking.

french revolution:peasants becoming oppressed. :: essays research papers

By the 18th century the third estate became aware of their oppression through various sources. These sources include the Influence of philosophers and the Echoes of the American war of independence. Goodwin states, the aim of the French philosophers, of the eighteenth century, was to liberate mankind from the fitter of ignorance and from subservience of outmoded practices. D. Richard further illustrated that philosophers such as, Rousseau, Voltaire, Monesquieu and the encyclopedias have contributed to the uprising of the third estate, within the revolution. In fact, Voltaire’s, influence within the revolution was mainly directed towards the corrupt government, ecclesiastical bigotry, censorship and cruel and arbitrary penal systems at the church. D.Richards further stated â€Å"he poured scorn on the pretensions of the church and folly of the government and the credibility of those who are taken by both.† His cry for injustice and brave actions, allowed him to receive tremendous gratitude from the third estate. As a matter a fact, Voltaire was the most influential philosopher within the revolution to challenge. Rousseau also influenced the third estate. Rousseau preached the equality of man, he later attacked justice â€Å"Men though born free are every where in chains†, and even in the government he said. Rousseau according to A. Goodwin claimed that the only legitimate state was one that expressed the â€Å"General will† (the will of the people as a whole) which is inspired by good motives and directed only in the common interest. His contract social (social contract) of 1762 envisaged free men guaranteeing each other natural rights. Historians have concluded that Rousseau, inspired the people emotionally, preparing them to retaliate. Another radical, Montesquieu inspired the third estate within ideas. His aim mainly was to focus on various parts of parlements and it’s unfair implications, towards the third estate. Alongside, the three philosophes mentioned above. Diderot and the encyclopedias also contributed to the influence of the revolution. He, like Voltaire, preached the injustice of the church practices and government. He criticized the heavy burden of taxation upon the third estate. He suggested that the intolerable acts of taxation be abolished with the exception of land tax, which was chiefly paid by the clergy and nobles for Diderot and the encyclopedias the common good was supreme law and government therefore the general happiness of society. Besides the philosophes, the physiocrates played a vital role in the usurpation of the revolution .A. Goodwin also noted that, the physiocrates, led by Rivere, supported freedom of contract, and specifically demanded scientific government to replace the irrationality of privileged.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Romeo and Juliet: in Love or Hit with Infatuation

Romeo and Juliet: in love or hit with infatuation To the person that has these feelings infatuation and actual love are very difficult to differentiate. Even if these two emotions are very similar they have different effects on ones life. In infatuation usually develops to quickly such as â€Å"love at first sight†. On the other hand real love grows moderately and takes time, but the effects last longer. In my opinion this â€Å"star struck† couple was simply hit with infatuation not love.In this Shakespearean story feelings of love are portrayed, when actually most of the events that occur relate to infatuation such as Romeo and Juliet’s instant feelings toward each other. One of the signs of infatuation according to June Callwood, a writer from the Globe and Mail archives, is an instant feeling of affection, â€Å"love at first sight†. Romeo and Juliet experienced this when they met in the party held by the Capulets. Even On the balcony Juliet barely kno ws his name and already she was talking about her â€Å"love† for Romeo.Not only did this â€Å"love at first sight† occur quickly, but Romeo had this feeling after the incident with Rosaline. The fact that this event happened to Romeo after the event with Rosaline, only serves to further on support the definition of infatuation. When Romeo met Juliet he was as one would say â€Å"on the rebound†, which caused him to fall in the state of infatuation. These along with many other events could have been the cause of Romeo falling for Juliet. Their quick affection for each other didn't allow them to think things thru and caused them to rush into a relationship they were not ready for.Another sign of infatuation is the great feeling one has to marry the other person. Romeo and Juliet rushed into a marriage without knowing much about each other. Their quick marriage was an event that might have had a lot to do with their death. This rush into actions without thinking is a result of the effects of infatuation. Some might say that their marriage occurred because they â€Å"loved† each other, but research has shown that the relationships that last longest develop slowly.These long lasting marriages did not occur as quickly like Romeo and Juliet’s, instead they took their time to make sure one is ready. Romeo and Juliet not only married quickly, but most of the time they all they wanted was physical enjoyment. In act 2 scene 2, the balcony scene, Romeo says â€Å"O wilt thou leave me unsatisfied? †. Those who are in real love are patient and don’t just want sex. This dissatisfaction without physical enjoyment is one of the greatest signs of infatuation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

This computerized world Essay

Now, in our high society all over the world engineering is the most important advancement, a exigency in bringing close go on as we move along in this furnishd world. These changes in effect adjudge mans manner easier and more convenient. The relationship between the subroutine program subroutine subroutine depository library and computer is constantly changing that the phthisis of computer contributes to the way man learns and communicates. It blue in this world to hand for changes and since library is no different from any warm and institution, considering the delectation of computer to perform a given task forget be efficient.The fast phased of technology attributed a curing to the improvementof the library formation. engineering science enabled software kick downstairsers to computerize the library schema. The change library outline serviceed the academia greatly. library, transactionsand queries after part be created in a single click. Traditionally, l ibrary organisations are employ manual(a)ly. Forms are given to librarian and they satisfy them of development pens. Computerized library organization identifies the forward-looking process of technology, on how it browses cursorily for the educatees and librarian.Pagadian Capitol College, base on the library system, the librarian and the library physical exercisers still use the manual way of transacting of borrowing and returning of playscripts. In the system we are going to make the manual library system into automated and computerized one. The manual library system is rattling costly, sequence consuming and tedious. Hence, computerized library system, the librarian kindle easily rein the books of the disciple that they are looking for without going finished the traditional way of searching a library material.And for the students, it can lessen the condemnation and elbow grease needed by them of the library. The writ of execution of the system willing reduce the time and effort of the users in terms of adding, editing, searching, deleting and effect of records. The system can also help in trim the expenses of the library much(prenominal) as papers, folders, pens and early(a) materials needed in their current system. The objective of the see was to develop a computerized library system that will store the students base tuition, books record, list of borrowers, returned books, borrowed books, and prescription of the librarian.The study was approximately the Computerized Library System for the BotolanCommunity College. The implementation of the system will reduce the time and effort of the users in terms of adding, editing, searching, deleting and printing of records. Thesystem can also help in reducing the expenses of the library much(prenominal) as papers, folders, pensand some other materials needed in their current system. The system is LAN-based that enablesthe librarian to share the records of the student such as the borro wing books, returningbooks, search books, and prescriptions of the librarian.The students personal information/ information may be stored upon the request of let librarian. The assignedlibrarians are the only one who can share any of the records/data of the students. Thesystem is not capable of sharing its data from other databases. The system will bedeveloped using the Microsoft opthalmic Basic 6. 0. This study will be beneficial to the following BCC Students . Through a computerized library system, they can easily find the booksthat they are looking for without going by the traditional way of searching a librarymaterial.Convenience is more visible for it is not time-consuming, resulting to a numberof accomplished works. Librarian. The computerized library system would improve the monitoring capacitiesof those who maintain the library. It would be easier to determine whether a particularbook is on-shelf or not. In amplification, they can easily identify when will the borrowedm aterial be returned and if a borrower has failed to return the book on its due(p) date. Furthermore, the librarian would be much guided when it comes to recognizing newinventory books, letting them dress out it promptly and accordingly.Related Literature international gibe to Robson (2001), usability is a key fate for users, says Elisabeth Robson, Product manager for Online Computer Library Center. The cataloguehas become a way to appeal unneurotic disparate resources, including commercial resourcesand vane links. management systems also allow circulation, including harbor in/check outand enable libraries to bargain for materials and track where they are. According to Chad (2009), consulting is at a major point of change in the wider information economy within which library systems form part of a larger whole.He waswriting in a apprise paper about the study in library management systems. This studyexamined the systems used in higher-education libraries across the UK and came up withsome significant observations and recommendations. It remark that the LMS marketplace in UKhigher education is already mature and that four main vendors (ExLibris, Innovative,SirsiDynix and Talis) cast off almost 90 percent of the market. This market maturity means,according to the study authors, that the benefits to libraries of changing LMS supplier arelimited.Library users expect to find everything together says Stephen Abram, vicepresident for innovation at SirsiDynix, the leading supplier of software solutions andassociated function for libraries. According to her traditionally, the library managementsystem or integrated library system (ILS) was responsible for running libraries efficientlyand effectively. Over the pull round few years, the role of the ILS has been expanding frommeeting library inescapably to delivering user experience. topical anestheticAccording to promised land (2011), views that most libraries are forced to work with fewerstave because of the having a more improved and modernised system for their library. According also to the study, the library administration need to emphasize to their staff that the organization has a vested interest in providing them with the tools and trainingthey need to assist the organization in the new information marketplace. These mayinclude search engines, circulation systems, and the online mankind access catalog.According to Lopez (2002), University of the Philippines Mindanao when UP inMindanao received its first batch of students in 1996, the main(prenominal) Library assemblage wasintegrated with the core appealingness of the School of Management (SOM) Library at the Stanfilco Bldg. , Ladislawa Avenue, Buhangin, Davao City. The Filipiniana and GeneralReferences were housed together with the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) collectionin Room 2 of the Philippine Coconut Authority. In the guerrilla Semester AY 1996-1997,the CAS Library moved to its main campus in Bago Oshiro.U pon the recognition of UPin Mindanao by the Board of Regents (BOR) as a constituent unit (CU) of the UPSystem, the CAS was expose into deuce (2), namely College of Humanities and fond Sciences (CHSS) and the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM). The Main Librarytransferred to the newly renovated building where the main collection was set-up besidethe books of the CHSS and the CSM. In July 2002, the library established the LibraryEducational Media and Information Technology Office (LEMITO). The LEMITOhandles the audio-visual run, internet and the connectivity of the library.It currentlyholds office at the Elias B. Lopez Hall Dormitory. Later, the Main Library collectionwhich grew from atomic number 6 titles to 6,191 volumes at the end of May 2004, and was transferredto the formation Bldg today, the Main Library occupies the former UP in MindanaoCultural Center (UPMCC) building. Related Studies exotic According to Charuasia (2010), connotes the term library with use of auto maticdata processing machines to perform routine library activities. It implies a high degree of mechanisation of various routine and repetitive tasks & trading operations and processes are leftto be performed by kind-hearted beingnesss.The study stresses library automation as theapplication of computers and utilization of computer based products and services in theperformance of different operations and functions or in the provision of various servicesand fruit products. In addition to computer advancement, telecommunication andaudio-visual technologies gives away to new possibilities in information processing. According to Back & Bailey (2010), explored the design billet of mash-uptechniques for the innocuous inclusion of information from sack services into websites.They considered the cases where an Online overt Access compile (OPAC) is either the soft touch of such addition or the soil of the information being included. They focused on client-side techniques in which from each one users browser contacts wind vane services directly because this approach lends itself to the mankind of HTML stratagems. The widgets allowthe integration and customization of weather vane services without requiring programming. Theyalso described in detail the functionality and use of several widget libraries and Webservices we built.Although the specific requirements for (2010), explored the designspace of mash-up techniques for the faultless inclusion of information from Web servicesinto websites. They considered the cases where an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)is either the target of such addition or the basis of the information being included. Theyfocused on client-side techniques in which each users browser contacts Web services directly because this approach lends itself to the creation of HTML widgets. The widgetsallow the integration and customization of Web services without requiring programming.They also described in detail the functionality and us e of several widget libraries andWeb services we built. Although the specific requirements for 13each system differbecause of their individual nature, all systems are designed to be deployable withminimum effort and resource requirements. This low accession cost, combined with theprovision of a high-level, non-programming interface, constitute two vital preconditionfor the broad adoption of techniques in libraries, which in turn has the potential to vastlyincrease the procure and visibility of their electronic resources in the wider community.Local According to Lou (1986), a survey on the computer application in 223 libraries inMetro Manila. The study revealed that they prioritize the three library functions to be computerized as cataloging, indexing, and circulation. However, the plans for automationfor the libraries cannot be implemented due to financial incapability of the libraries, andthe lack of pecuniary resource from the government. Despite of this drawback, the librarie s are notturning their backs unto the automation of their libraries.According to Agena (2008) made a study about the collection usage of thestudents of the Jose Rizal University in a period of three years using the quantitative andqualitative approach. The endeavor of the study is to survey the usefulness of the faculty of students to their library and it been revealed that it is largely important for them to goto the library for their academic needs. - capital of Red China immaterial Studies University Library Library temporarily by the Chinese branch, outside linguistic process books, periodicals reading room and library office. aggregation of literature covering Britain, France, Russia, Germany, the West, Japan, Arab and other 49 languages, literature more than 110 billion copies total, 28 million copies of e-books, 1179 kinds of Chinese and remote periodicals, nearly 11,000 of a variety of audiovisual materials , and conflicting language electronic diary of nearly 26 ,000 species in 47 foreign language database, Own Special Database 4, the initial formation of the characteristics of language, literature, culture, primary data collection.In recent years, with the development of my subject construction, legal, diplomatic, economic, intelligence agency and management literature also increase steadily. The library is located eight profession and service sectors, a total of 53 staff, including Associate Research Librarian, Librarian 39. Libraries move on ALEPH500 automated library management system to achieve the cataloging and retrieval of the museum and part of the part of multilingual literature.Museum and National Library, as head as Peking University, the National good deals Congress and other 40 University Library in Beijing and abduct Library interlibrary loan business, and the original manner of speaking services provide CASHL and BALIS of foreign periodicals. In order to facilitate school teachers and students in off-campus access to library resources, the museum specially opened VPN remote access system.The overall goal of building 12 during the Beijing Foreign Studies University Library the progressive realization of the collection features of the service information, specialization, and scientific management through active participation in the college literature resources to build a sharing system, and strive to build for the final documents of the domestic foreign language teaching and research take for base and information service center, into a resource-rich, and diverse service, open and harmonious, the reader commodious with international first-class research library.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Beloved on Slavery

Beloved on Slavery

Theres a detached essence a sense of loss.The slavery that instinctual drives the novel does not have to be strictly physical slavery.Morrison†s characters are slaves physically and mentally. Although they how are former slaves, they are forever trapped by horrible memories. The type of slavery the novel initially depicts does not correspond to what really happened to slaves in the 1800s."Slavery is very predictable," she clarified.Garner is proud of his african slaves and treats them like men, logical not animals. . . .

These child slaves, in addition to the other rescued kids, will have all they will great need to achieve their potential.. my niggers is other men every one of em.Bought em thataway, raised em thataway. Men every one.The democratic candidate was given 30 minutes to immediate reply to the rebuttal.He treats and refers to the former slaves as animals. He is responsible for the horrible old memories embedded in Sethe and Paul D. new Sethe feels the impact of slavery to its fullest extent. Slavery pushes her to kill what her baby daughter.

Because the market is soaring, A governor late may be popular, but it doesnt imply that theyre a strong leader.I took and put my babies where they†d be safe. † Paul D asks, â€Å"How? Your boys gone you don†t know where. One girl dead, the other won†t parental leave the yard. How did it work? â€Å"They ain†t at Sweet Home.Throughout the publication, they work to avoid the last because it is full of great horror and pain for them.As for Denver, how she is indirectly affected by the horrors of slavery. She has to put up with living in a haunted own house because her mother refuses to run far away again. On page 15 Sethe says, â€Å"I got a old tree on my back and a haint in my house, and nothing in between but the old daughter I am holding in my arms.No few more running — from nothing.

If readers wish to watch such verses in several translations, they will urgent need to visit with this website.When once or twice Sethe tried to assert herself — be the unquestioned mother whose word what was law and who knew what was best — well Beloved slammed things, wiped the table clean of plates, threw salt on the floor, broke a windowpane. †¦Nobody said, You raise your hand to me and I will knock you into the middle of next week. †¦ No, no. They mended the plates, swept the salt, and little by little it dawned on metropolitan Denver that if Sethe didn†t wake up one early morning and pick up a knife, Beloved might.Mounting chorus both women and men, shes sexually ambiguous.On page 72 he says, â€Å"But wasn†t no way I†d ever be Paul D again, living or dead. Schoolteacherchanged me. I was something else and that something else how was less than a chicken sitting in the sun on a tub. † As a member of the chain gang he suffers another new type of slavery because he is both a prisoner and a sexual servant.

"You can genuinely control unique peoples lives.† how This applies to each and every one of her characters. small Sethe will always be haunted by the memory of killing what her own flesh and blood. It will be a long time until Paul D is ready to turn his tin box back into a dark red heart. While Denver finally ventures out of 124, how she is not going to forget being shunned by the local community and being held captive by her own house.The entire world is within this room.Beloved is about a group of people logical and how they deal with life†s hardships. Many social issues in the story deal with control. how There is a constant struggle for power throughout the novel. Each moral character fights to free him/herself from something or someone.

Theres nothing.It is not clear when or if this will take place.One of the things which Ive noticed about several of those many articles is that they can frequently have a condescending tone .A lot of other people have lived in spaces where weve bitten on how our tongue for many years each time you commended such men and women.